Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wii Will Wii Will Rock You

I hate None of my videos post!! And then like one day all fifty of them are going to show up and they'll no longer be relevant. And they'll be ten times unfunnier than they already are, and then I'll be banished from posting ever again. Stupid stupid stupid (<--how very George Michael of me).

On a less self-loathing note, TheMo and Homer have a Wii, and wii (CB and I) are going to leave soon so wii can spend hours on it until wii are kicked out, only to hide out in the bushes until wii can sneak back in while everyone is sleeping and resume playing with the Wii. So screw you, youtube. I'm going on to bigger and better things.

...Who am I kidding? I love you baby. Don't leave me this way.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so this is just an excuse to talk about the Wii again, but I was watching Wii commercials, and there is totally some running game. I wasn't making it up. Also, I MUST play Trauma Center. That is all.

Homer said...

Well, rent it and come on over. We rented the SpongeBob game, which is pretty fun, but the kids just want to play tennis and bowl. I love the Wii, I may just buy Madden '07 for MLK Day. Any holiday is a reason to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

I have not played the wii, only watched it being played and I am not sure about the fascination. Is it really that great? I am thinking you need to invite me over for some of that good times. I will fight Nay for a turn. She is skinny - I think I can take her. For nothing else I can just sit on her to make her concede.

Anonymous said...

Gassy, I was just going to watch the Wii festivities, but I was sucked into the Wii Web and it really is a lot of fun. I don't like to play video games per se, but the bowling was a blast and I'm dying to try the tennis.

Anonymous said...

K-rock, I bet you ARE "dying to try the tennis." Didn't you see what happened to that poor bloated woman? Nothing good to come of games like that. You know, the ones I am not invited to play.

Homer said...


The Wii is that much fun. Maybe, if you are nice, you can come on over and find out for yourself.