Thursday, January 18, 2007

Salma Hayek's dog is heroic

I was reading AZCentral this afternoon and came across this article:

Salma Hayek's hero dog

Jan. 18, 2007 12:40 PM

Salma Hayek's dog saved her life on the day of the Golden Globe Awards.

The 'Frida' star and producer of Globe-winning TV show 'Ugly Betty' fell asleep in her home when her dog, Diva, alerted her to a gas leak in the house.

Salma told Us Weekly magazine: "I had a headache and went to lie down when Diva woke me up grabbing my sleeve in her mouth and trying to pull me out of the house. Then I realised the gas was on!"

The 40-year-old star also appears in hit new comedy TV show 'Ugly Betty' which won Best Series at the Golden Globes on Monday while its main star, America Ferrera, won Best Actress in a comedy.

Salma is due to start filming 'Keep Coming Back' this year, in which she plays an alcoholic stripper who becomes the object of affection for a teenage boy.

Now, I think that dog deserves a little bit more than special treat for dinner this week. And it's not just the dog that is acting in a heroic fashion here, re-read that last line in the article again:

Salma is due to start filming 'Keep Coming Back' this year, in which she plays an alcoholic stripper who becomes the object of affection for a teenage boy.

Salma is trying to warn the males of the human race something. Rather than adopting an underprivileged child, she is going to teach us about our obsession with beauty. What a hero. This film is obviously going to be some kind of "After School Special" that is going to teach us all the pratfalls of falling for alcoholic strippers, but if they look anything like Salma Hayek, the producers of this piece of cinema might want to rethink their thematic idea, just a little bit. Just a thought.


(Owning his breast obsession so themo and Gassy can have another titter of uncomfortable laughter. See, I said titter. I kill myself)


Anonymous said...

Selma hasn't looked pretty to me in a long time. I can't put my finger on it, It's like the shape of her face has changed.

Anonymous said...

She looks HOT to me. In fact, you can post the most ridiculous things about her you want as long as you include pictures of that curvaceous body we are good. Can you tell I have a bit of a lezbo crush on her? Just wait till I get up to the Jessica Biel picture...