Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Oldie but a goodie

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gassy's "Friends of Satan" Contribution

Neil Patrick Harris gets my vote because of this devil-picture. Specifically for you, Nay.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Friends of Satan

In honor of Halloween, I would like to make this week's culture "People Who Have Obviously Made a Deal With the Devil". I don't necessarily have a favorite Satan Worshipper, but some fun ones are Dick Clark, Ryan Seacrest, and that lady on The View who thinks she's funny.

Have at it.


(*Picture intentionally omitted, because I get scared looking in the eyes of people with no soul)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Nothing but Class, Baby!

I know that this man is very ethnic, so it hardly qualifies as White Trash, but damnit, this is a perfect example the behavior. I could totally see Kid Rock doing this (actually that could be actual Pam-size). Don't watch this around the kids.


Friday, October 19, 2007

White Trash

It isn't that I don't love the culture chosen this week by Homer. It's just that I can't quite put my finger on what white trash actually is to me. Sometimes I think "Walmart, just go with Walmart", but then I realize there's so much more to it than that. Besides, sometimes I kind of like Walmart, you know, cos it's cheap, and they have those White Cloud diapers with John Lennon animals on them. And I'm not White Trash. (shut up, I'm not).

So then I think it's like, being super unaware of how gross you look. But I know just as many latinas and black women who wear spandex pants and oversized t-shirts with pink leopards on them. And Joy from My Name is Earl fame is SO White Trash, but she's not wearing gray sweatpants and sparkly silver Crocs. And contrarily-wise, I know plenty of men who wear AC/DC shirts and flannel and we all remember the Trucker Hat Phenomenon, and those guys aren't white trash. So, it can't totally be based on fashion.

So maybe, I'm thinking, it's how one behaves. Like seeing your big boobs and thinking, "I should be smashing beer cans with these things". Or yelling at your kids in the middle of the grocery store because they're opening beer bottles with their teeth and you haven't even paid for them yet, damnit. But we used to do some pretty uncouth things as kids, like when my sisters dug a hole in our backyard and filled it with water, and creating our very own "pool". And we weren't White Trash. (seriously, shut up).

So is White Trash The Bundy's or The Clampett's? Is it Larry the Cable Guy or is it Marshall Mathers? Britney Spears or The-Lady-Diane-Works-With?

I guess White Trashiness is a state of being not unlike pornography. You can't define it, but you know it when you see it.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Cultural Awareness Month (continued)

Since the "Asian" post kind of fizzled, I thought I would salute the most ignored of all cultures: White Trash Culture. I could have posted up pictures of Jamie Pressley, and been done with it, but I saw this clip and found that the white trash culture is invading America and cannot be stopped. This is just a little slice, I want some prime examples this week. Enjoy the video.


Monday, October 08, 2007

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Cultural Awareness Month Continues (Barely)

Since Selma (Salma??) looked creepy in that last post, I figured it was time to introduce this week's Culture To Be Aware Of. And in honor of K-Rock going to the Philippines next week, I thought that would make a great culture to highlight.

....Except that I can't think of one Filipino worth talking about. I mean, sure we all have a friend or two who is maybe, like half, and that's kind of fun for them, but really, who? Who??? So I googled, and yahooed, and even wikipediad, and although there are some very pretty Filipinas out there, not one of them deserves mention. So I'm going to have to widen the culture spectrum a little.

Basically, we're talking 'bout any "Asians" who come from places the real Asians (Chinese and Japanese mostly) would much rather forget about. One of them Goodwill countries that even the Peace Corps is kind of like, "eh" about. Laos. Cambodia. Vietnam. Nepal? I'm not good with geography, but you kind of get the point. I'm not sure if we should count India or not, because I think we'd just end up arguing if Mindy Kaling is funnier than Apu (she is).

So have fun with this one. I doubt this will be a very active week, since I'm seriously having a hard time coming up with anyone other than Maddox Jolie. He's a cute kid though, so it'll do for now.

Go D-backs!

So to get us back to talking about Mexican culture, what is everyone's favorite burrito? Mine has to be the barbacoa fajita burrito at Chipotle. Rice, peppers, onions, and spicy shredded beef. It is delicious. Speaking of delicious, here's another picture of Salma to brighten up your Sunday.


A good point

With all the crazy press brought to us from the basball "insiders" this week on how the Dbacks didn't belong in the post season, a breathe of fresh air and realism has been offered from Mike Bauman. The link is well worth a read.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Someone has too much time on their hands

A must see. You must read the comments throughout. Hilarious. -themo

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


What's Your Problem?

Would you shut up? I'm just trying to eat my fish.

I love love love this video. It's from Public Access television (probably the early 90's). I first saw it on Joe Mathlete's Great American Blog, which some of you are already aware of, but many of you still are not. I figured this was the best way to introduce to you the gems you will find there.

Either way, I've now found the ultimate comeback to anyone who asks me what my problem is. I figured all of you should see this now so you'll maybe get the reference when I say it aloud someday.



I watched one season of Survivor and this douche bag was on it that season. I remeber wanting and hoping someone would kick his ass everytime he did that little "fair play" bit. Looks like I got my wish. -VG

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Across the Universe Trailer 2 (I've Just Seen A Face)

So here's a trailer for Across the Universe. It's got the best song from the movie, as well as two seconds of the Nurse scene we've talked so much about. Basically, it's Salma x 5 and she looks hot. I'd post a review of the entire film if I thought anyone besides CB was halfway interested. As it is, this should be enough.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Viva Mexico!

There are many great things to come from Mexico: Churros, burritos, Speedy Gonzalez, and the lovely people who make it possible to eat cheap grapes and lettuce year-round. But when Nay encouraged us to post culturally relevant Mexican topics, you just had to know I was going here. Bless you Salma, for representing Mexicans in such an exemplary fashion.
