Monday, January 29, 2007

Disaster Averted!

So Hugh Hefner is what, 90 now? 110? And he is sooo with it. To just update a previous post, Hefner has rejected the idea of featuring Kelly Osborne in the pages of his magazine. He made some comment to the effect that they can't airbrush "that much." That is a good development for all of us because you know those pictures would be everywhere, and quite frankly I enjoy my eyesight. Maybe if she secures representation from Bob Loblaw, she can appear in the hit video series "Girls with Low Self Esteem."


What, the picture of Jenny McCarthy? Do you think I want to post another picture of Kelly Osborne? What crack have you been smoking?


Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you for not posting Kelly's pic (although there was a lot of airbrushing going on in Jenny's picture too, at least it is more plausible.)

TheVanBlogger said...

The Barbaro in me thanks you for the pic of Jenny. -VG

Anonymous said...

I've thought about this pretty intensely and I undestand the danger of what I'm about to say. Jenny McCarthy is funnier than she is sexy. HOWEVER, her humor makes her more attractive. There. I've said it.

Homer said...

Jenny McCarthy is crazy. If you want to see the most disturbing period joke in the history of modern cinema, watch her movie "Dirty Love." It is sooo wrong, but pretty funny. Anyway, I don't disagree with you CB, nice take. Themo loves her because they have just about the exact same sense of humor.

TheVanBlogger said...

Jenny is no longer attractive. Thanks Homer.

Anonymous said...

Okay somebody say "She can water my lawn any day" just so we can move on.

Anyway, Thanks to Hugh for keeping the Osbournes in their place, sort of. And thanks to Jenny for hilarious television and that paragraph in her book about pooping on the delivery table.

Anonymous said...

You're close, Nay... but the more appropriate line would be, "I'd like to water HER lawn".

TheVanBlogger said...

That's more like it care bear! She could handle my hose anytime.