Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Liver Hurts (part 2)

I know that Courtney was supposed to have gone to rehab at least once, but when is it going to take? This picture should be plastered on bottles of booze to warn people what their livelihoods, their looks, and their bank accounts could look like one day. Scary stuff, have a great day!



Anonymous said...

She looks a lot like a frumpy woman I worked with at Chase. Nice lady, but she smelled like she never wore deoderant. I can't imagine the hurt associated with being relevant one day to being compared with smelly, frumpy Chase lady the next.

Anonymous said...

The title at the top of her picture should read "Lindsay Lohan Hosts 2012 New Years Eve Party at Hyde." Just a little glimpse into her future.

Anonymous said...

I think she's just tired.

What?! It's totally possible that she doesn't get much sleep, what with all the drinking and drugging taking up most of her day.