Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cultural Awareness Week Begins!! Today: Mexican Sunday

In order to jumpstart this old thing, I propose a Week O' Culturally Diverse Fun (see, I'm already getting in the spirit with a nod to the Irish). Every day this week I will post the culture of my choosing, and then we will all post who is our favorite representative of that culture. It's easy. For example if I were to choose Irish Sunday, I would then post my favorite Irish person (Conan O'Brien) and explain what makes him the most awesome Irish person. Then TheMo would reply or post with, let's say Kathy Griffin and explain her reasons, and CB would say Bono and we'd all make fun of him, and everyone else puts in their two cents and fun is had trying to pinpoint who we like most in hard to-like-cultures (kidding Bono. Just kidding).

I choose to go with MEXICAN first, because it's so easy to forget the truly awesome Mexicans when people like Carlos Mencia are out there trying to represent (and as we all know now, he's Honduran, so that just makes him an ass). Also, I'd like to prove that I do not forsake this part of my culture in anyway whatsoever. How could I when we've got someone like this rad to speak for us:

Señor Ritchie not only brought light brown to rock n roll in the late fifties, he brought it hard. One viewing of La Bamba (starring the mutli-ethnic Lou Diamond Phillips) and you will agree, Mexicans are cool. Cool enough to die alongside Buddy Holly, and cool enough to get a bunch of gringos to sing wedding ballads from a country they thought they despised. Ritchie Valens, you deserve a chimichanga and a hug.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Office Season 3 Bloopers (Part 2)

there's a little overlap, but worth watching...


Season 3 Office Bloopers

A new batch!


Friday, September 21, 2007


I love this. I would have paid $7.50 to see this, but I still haven't seen the Simpson movie, what does that tell you?



Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Something to chew on...

the VG has been looking for a new band and he has recently been impressed by Brandi Carlile. Solid music comp and crazy vocals. What say ye?

Happy B-day VG!

For your birthday, I made the sacrifice to find a good video for you. I tried Ernie Tubbs, but the VanBlogger has enough of that crap on it, so Shakira it is.



Monday, September 17, 2007

Bitch, please!

Ok, we all loved the tirade begging us to just leave Brit Brit alone...this one cracks me up even more. If you have a good hour to kill, search this freak on youtube.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

The 2007 Nobel Prize goes to....

These guys. I bow to them, I know what themo is getting from Santa, (other than a good caning). Check out their website,


I don't what's more amazing...

Chet Atkins playing the guitar or the fag playing the harmonica, the Liberache of the mouth harp. Make sure you watch it all so you get some hand killer hand drumming.

What are you doing Saturday night?

...oh I'm going to see this band tear the music business a new corn hole.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I love this stuff. People who do this stuff are too clever for me.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I love it

I'm sure you've all seen this by now, but everyone should watch it at least 3 times in their life. I thought it was a chick at first. Wow.

It's been a couple of days since we last had a black face sighting...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sarah is Magic

I want to use this week’s rant to proclaim my love for Sarah Silverman. I hope themo understands. Sarah seems to be convinced that her gig as “awards show host” means “treat celebrities like that dude who got horse-raped to death.” She allegedly even provoked Brittney Spears’ latest and greatest video debacle. Apparently Brittney overheard Silverman practicing her joke basically calling Brittney’s kids two really cute mistakes. It was a nice joke, but nothing like the Paris Hilton that Silverman took earlier this year. I don’t believe Spears is coherent enough to process any thought other than the vague idea that she needs more Cheetoes. I’m pretty sure you could walk up to Brittney at this point and light her hair extensions on fire and she would need to hear about it through her publicist before she became aware of it.

But I love the fact that Silverman was delivering jokes into a vacuum. Sarah was putting it to the “stars” that were in attendance in her monologue, but other than laughing at Brittney and Paris (who only seem to exist to mock and deride), they didn’t seem to enjoy being the butt of a joke. The problem is they don’t realize that they are all jokes; studio creations who exist merely to sell some producer’s sonic abortion. And before you jump in with “you don’t get it because you’re old,” this has been the case for decades and it will continue to be the case as long as there are record companies and producers who can exploit some “artist” who dropped out of high school to become a star.

These people live lives that are so artificial that they begin to believe it’s all real. It is like The Truman Show, but instead of living in a bubble, these divas are vaguely aware of the fact that there are other people out there, but to them we all exist to celebrate their coolness. My love for Sarah has to do with the fact that she is willing to get up in front of these pampered mouth-breathers and call them on it. It is like she is pulling back the curtain and showing us all that the bitchin' façade that the music industry is selling us is really just a bunch of talent-deficient douche-bags waiting for someone to give them a gift bag and some groupies. Maybe we need another turf-war to thin the herd a bit, only this time Kanye and Justin can kick each other in the pussy until the other quits crying.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Gud Lawd! I can't wait!!!

Fall is here and once again hope springs eternal. The Cards take on the Niners tonight on MNF. I fully understand that I will once again have my heart torn from my chest and stomped on the ground by a week line backer core and a o-line that resembles the IHS front four before week 3. However, I will be there and I'll will invoke Moroni's promise with hopes of a winning season and dare I say a possible playoff birth... "and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.". I believe Cards, I believe! -VG

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Love it.

Love it so much.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Only Wal*Mart

A Detective posing as a 15 year old girl busted a man trying to lure "her" back to Nevada. The fun twist to this story is that the man and his wife made a video to show the girl that introduced her to her new family. The wife was in on the scheme to bring a 15 year old in to the family. Why? I'll let the article explain:

"In the video, Jennifer Evans said that she would not mind sharing her husband with the girl, and said that part of the reason was because she worked about 70 hours a week at a local Wal-Mart and was unable to satisfy her husband's "strong sexual appetite."

Awesome. And don't you feel silly for thinking Wal*Mart was filled with classy folks?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Holy Crap

I honestly would rather die.



Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Have you ever wanted kill somebody?

watch this for the whole two minutes and you will want to take a baseball bat to Jerry Lewis head. -VG

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Caption Contest!

Winner gets a free beverage at the AD party in a couple of weeks. Let me ruminate on this before I offer my suggestion.


New Spread Offense at U of A

So the Wildcats of the University of Arizona installed a new "spread" offensive scheme in their football program. Good for them, I'm assuming that the term "spread" means they are just going to lie back and take it like Bobby Knight suggested. One first half first down? Sad. Just think UA, it's only a few months until basketball season.


Rant of the Week

Since themo requested some new content, I thought that I'd start a semi-regular concept, the Rant of the Week. This week's rant has to do with sports, because football season is beginning. The beauty of sports is the fact that anything can happen, well that's true in most sports, just not college football. Division One college football is nearly as rigged as the WWE. We have a preseason poll that determines if a college is going to be in consideration for the national championship. Boise State last year is a great example; they beat everyone they played, including a pretty good Oklahoma team in the Fiesta Bowl, but did they warrant any real consideration as the national champion? Nope.

I've got two words for the NCAA presidents who whore their product out for bowl millions: Appalachian State. Their defeat of a seriously over-rated Michigan team just proves that the preseason poll is as worthless as Brittany Spears comeback disc. Hopefully someday we'll be able to see a champion crowned on the field of play in D-I football (just like all of the other divisions), and see less of Brittney's flabby ass when she forgets to wear pants.

Oh yeah, two more words for NCAA presidents and Brittney: Suck it.
