Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hillary Clinton Sings National Anthem



TheVanBlogger said...

That cunt could rock my rockabilly concert anytime!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was terrible. Awful.

Brings up an interesting point. I'm not much of a Hillary fan, but I wouldn't withhold my vote from her because of this. I saw on YouTube people were commenting on how this was proof she was a bad candidate. Really? Not just Republicans, either. Look at how Howard Dean got the big fat dis after his "whoot!" episode. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch politicians make asses of themselves. They're ALL poop. But I'm just an unfrozen caveman lawyer. Your ways frighten and confuse me.

Anonymous said...

That was a waste of 1minute and 8 seconds of my life. And my life is really rockin. Oh - sucks to be you guys but I am off all week. I intend to sissify this place up a bit.