Friday, June 29, 2007


I just saw this on TMZ and had to post the frightening image. Yes, this is Sharon Stone. Are you men all hot and bothered right now? I know you are thinking... "Yum! She is hotter now than in Basic Instinct 2. Do I hear a BI 3 coming out?" Or maybe you are thinking "I am hot and bothered because I need to go puke. Seriously."


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Care knows what I'm talking about.-VG


For the ladies:
Never refer to your email inbox as your "box". The girl who sits next to me gives (or attempts to give) her students peace of mind by telling them that the confidential information they are faxing is going "straight in to my box".

Friday, June 22, 2007

Saturday, June 16, 2007

More Regurgitation

I don't know how he does it, but damn.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Poor Hitler

Not that I'm a sympathizer. I don't even own an X-Box.


The Stupidest Bunny

Now, I'm not sure I want to lead the VanBlogger away from the youtube-fest it has become, but I feel like some sort of friendly competition could be fun, so here it goes:

There has been several articles posted online lately about one of Hugh Hefner's "girlfriends" being upset with him. Apparently Kendra Wilkinson was portrayed in a magazine article as being the stupid one of the three ladies who star in The Girls Next Door. It is all relative of course, but it is quite an accomplishment to be known as the stupidest Playboy bunny. I mean all three of these ladies were tricked somehow into sleeping with an 81 year old guy who can't even be bothered to wear pants most of the time, so we aren't dealing with an intellectual pool of any note. Additionally, Hefner was so outraged by this insult to one of his ladies that he was going to fire off a nasty letter to the writer, but later became distracted and wrote about something else. So I was thinking we could come up with some sort of analogy or metaphor (or simile) to commemorate Ms. Wilkinson's plight, something along the lines of "Being known as the stupidest Playmate is like being known as _________________" I know we have some witty people here so, give it some thought and have fun.

Since I posted this up, I get to judge, and the winner gets a free Circle K Thirstbuster.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Don't Try This At Home

I was telling CB and Nay about this guy the other night. It is disgusting and amazing at the same time.


Cool as hell

CB and I were talking about this today. Make sure to watch the whole video. -VG

Monday, June 11, 2007

Why you gotta be front buttin'?

All the attention Paris Hilton is getting these days sickens me. There are thousands of REAL news stories that NEED to be told but aren't getting any media attention. Since nobody else is going to step up to the plate, I will. One story that needs to be told is this one: You've got to check out the front butt on this girl in the white "pants" in the back right. She's rockin' cameltoe that feeds on children. Just look at it. WOW.

Feeling Fortunate

This is for the Vanilla Gorilla, I know that you were told that a break would have been better, but this isn't what they were talking about. I'd say enjoy, but this is kinda painful to watch. Ah, what the hell, enjoy, it isn't Theisman, but it is kickass!


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Franklin Bluth

Here is a great compilation of Franklin from season two of Arrested Development. Enjoy!


Did Someone Say ZZ Top?

This one is for VG who needs some Top to ease the pain. Old-school Salma and ZZ Top? It's all good.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Office - Bloopers (part 1)

Let's rid the Van Blogger of ZZ Top

The Office - Bloopers (part 2)

ZZ Top needs to go....

Friday, June 08, 2007

Back to the Top

So, VG loves the ZZ Top. I love Back to the Future. It's a match made in In-Law heaven.

I love most that one of the comments on You Tube for this video stated, quite simply, "This one is a face melter". I have no idea what that means, but I'm sure it's true, because a ZZ Top fan said it, and goodness knows, a ZZ Top fan doesn't know how to be wrong.

-=Alternate 1985 Nay

VG's Favorite ZZ Top song of all time circa 1980

If you don't love this band you're not American.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Giant Balls

I am posting this in an attempt to get Hair Tie Vagina off of the top of the blog. I saw this and thought of CB and VG, this is soo them.



Monday, June 04, 2007

Again, what the ...

I know that when you are browsing the internet, you are going to stumble across some strange stuff. Miracle diet pills, big wiener pills, make a million dollars in a month discs, all that fun stuff, but I came across this ad today and I am at a loss for words. Make sure you read the ad carefully, is this really a problem? I mean how much hair could you possibly have??


For Nay

I know that Nay loves herself some Sarah Silverman, and I thought that she'd like this. The Paris thing is from the MTV Movie awards this weekend. I love the fact that she did it with Paris in the audience.


Friday, June 01, 2007


I'm not one for profanity, but you know what? I don't care at this point, I saw this and can only respond with a solid "What the fuck did I just see?" The kicking wasn't the worst, it was the dragging weights with the nads that freaked me out, the kicking was just icing. I'm going to go and ice my sack for a while.


Best Game Ever

If you're a gambling man, this is the game you've always wanted to play. If you're not, this is the game you've always wanted to watch. Guaranteed hilarity.
