Monday, January 15, 2007

My Sick Infatuation With Kids Shows

I am too embarrassed to speak of this to anybody face-to-face so I will have my confessional on this blog. I love most of the Shows on Nick and Disney. I will even watch the crappy ones and get irritated when it goes to commercial. I am sad when my children are not home and I have no reason to be watching Nick or Disney and even though I am by myself it is too pathetic for me to watch those channels. So I go ahead and change it to VH1 and feel that somehow watching New York hump a bunch of gay men is "better" than seeing what is going on with Phil Diffy. Who by the way I have a pervy crush on.
Anyway, one thing has really been bothering me about the new Spongebob episodes. Is it me or has someone with no nasal passages taken over the vocals for Spongie? I can't stand it. It is driving me crazy. I have inserted two clips from different episodes as a comparison. (Don't be jealous about my YouTube skills, Nay.)





Anonymous said...

I noticed the change in nasal Spongebob right around the time of the movie release. More Mainstream=More Annoying.

Also, I love watching Disney/Nick tween shows. Raven is a crackup. Hilary Duff is totally adorable (shut up, she is, you're jealous). And Degrassi Jr. High: The Next Generation is way more interesting than Days of our Lives, any day (except maybe for the day John slipped into a coma after being shot by Elvis Jr. That day was pretty much awesome).

If I had cable, you'd probably never actually see me. I'd be a phantom that you'd remember vaguely as having a lot of Jew jokes and purple spots...or was her hair just purple? Who knows. Now she doesn't come out, unless someone is bringing cheesecake.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you feel me on that one, Nay. Maybe one day you can come over and we can watch Nick/Disney/Cartoon Network all day long in our PJs. Then our hubbies will come home from work and find us in the fetal position with our eyes glazed over, staring at the tv with drool all over our chins. That sounds like a party. The only thing missing is our good friends Ben and Jerry, but I am sure we could get them to make an appearance.

Anonymous said...

This sounds slightly homoerotic gassy. I'm in.