Sunday, August 13, 2006

Wild Bill and Sir Edmund....

I was watching the Discovery Channel this morning and I saw an episode on Sir Edmund Hillary. I had my laptop open so I googled Hillary to find out more about this guy. That's when I cam across this great claim by our last great President from Little Rock.....

"Former US President Bill Clinton said in his autobiography (p830), My Life, that his wife Hillary Clinton was named after Edmund Hillary. The claim is interesting in that Hillary was an unknown when he climbed Everest in 1953, and Hillary Clinton was then already five years old."


Anonymous said...

I forgot to post my name to this post.

TheVanBlogger said...

So what you are telling me is that you don't know about the space-time vortex that exists in Arkansas? I pity you.


Anonymous said...

You see, Bill was told to have at least 1000 pages. When he wrote all he needed he only had 18 pages (including 12 pages of photos, maps, and one of those drawings from Family Circus that shows the path Billy takes from his house to school). With meager kickbacks and the impending presidential campaign of his wife, he desperately needed that money. It's really a simple question. What would you do? Bill did what any family man would do. He made up TONS of stuff. He just sat down and he wrote and wrote. If you ever get a spare moment, read My Life. You'll find some interesting nuggets. For instance, did you know he breeds robot ninjas (p916), invented Chalupas (p774), solved each mystery from "Unsolved Mysteries" (p552-561), co-authored the Bible (p 818), cured polio (p 44), and is responsible for the phrase, "'I' before 'E' except after 'C'". You'll also find other fillers like the complete liner notes from Rush's 'Grace Under Pressure' album, a transcript of the Hindenburg disaster, Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, and a list of Crayola Crayon colors. A good read.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Care Bear....that made my day.

Anonymous said...

I shared this with my frend Susie, a Bill enthusiast, and she thinks Hillary's parents knew Sir Edmund Hillary personally, you know, back in the day, explaining the time discrepancy.

Of course, she might be kidding, since she likes jokes so much. After all, she also said that Bill Clinton is the greatest president our country has ever seen.

Anonymous said...

That makes a lot of sense. I can totaly buy Hillary Clinton's parents being friends with an obscure New Zealander.