Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ahhh, mammaries... I mean memories

I was again browsing my selected sites looking for good VanBlogger material (which is really anything because no one posts here anymore) and I saw this picture of our hero Lindsay (see the previous post). The first thing I noticed wasn't her shoddy taste in beverages or her lack of undergarments, but those hideous boots. It reminded me of a simpler time when I was in high school. There was this really fruity guy who wore boots like this all of the time along with Jethro Tull t-shirts. Seriously, this was in the mid-80s, and that was what he wore. Anyway, one day this guy got into a fight and the other guy just pummeled the boot-guy. Nothing amusing about that, but what was amusing was as the beating was being delivered, the guy doing the pummeling was singing his own off-key version of Black Sabbath's "Fairies Wear Boots." I don't know how long he was planning this, but it was a little slice of comedy gold.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me thinks Homer has a bit of a love-hate thang for LL....?