Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I thought everyone would find this interesting, I know it was for me.

There can be no doubt that editors of peer-reviewed medical journals must always place the interest of patients above all else. Every published article eventually can and should affect patient care. Therefore, all articles that we publish must be ethically sound, valid, reliable, and credible (ie, reflective of work that is performed, written, reviewed, and edited in a manner that is unencumbered by financial pressure). With that in mind, it is important to discern the necessary and honest interests of for-profit companies from the potentially corrupting influence of commercial interests.

- Catherine D. DeAngelis, MD, MPH


TheVanBlogger said...

If by "interesting" you mean "not interesting in the least". I'm dumb, though. Maybe I'm missing the point.

Anonymous said...

I thought we were supposed to put funny things in this blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So basically that's smart talk for, "Just remember that money speaks louder than dead people"? I'm not sure I get it, but the way I read that, I'm thinking if Prozac kills me, the medical journalists are taught to spin it in favor of whoever has the most to lose (and the most to provide research funds). Either way, I'm with K-Rock when I say WTF? Who posted this? I'm going to go laugh about Val some more.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure everyone is assuming I posted that, but I didn't. Neither did Jack. We should find that person and shoot them in the face.

Anonymous said...

I think we are all missing the comment on everyday life that this post contains. It is a complicated tapestry of commercial concerns weighed against the ethics and morals of science. It is a smart person's analysis of Jurassic Park without the kick-ass dinosaurs. I miss those cuddly little things. Everything is better with dinosaurs.

Anonymous said...

I think I have to follow suit with WTF!!! DId anyone find out who posted that?

Anonymous said...

I must have been care bear since he's the only one who hasn't chimed in about it.

Anonymous said...

I just can't see care bear saying "I thought everyone would find this interesting". He doesn't think that way... If it's him, I'm shocked. Of course, now we'll never know who posted this. It's going to be like playing Mafia. I'm just a townsperson, I swear...