Monday, August 14, 2006

Just so you know, I'm eating a Wether's Orginal right now

Whatever happened to Emo Phillips?


Anonymous said...

he got very very sad and cried a lot, and watched the United States of Leland and he couldn't turn it off cos his arms were crossed and his hoodie sweater got too hot so he cried about it and he got black hair dye in his eyes so he cried about that too and then he went to hot topic and cried some more and then he went to the modified and listened to someone cry and then he cried.

Oh wait, you said Emo PHILLIPS. This.

Anonymous said...

So I checked out that home page and he still isn't funny, even after twenty years.

TheVanBlogger said...

what are you talking about? He's totally funny. You need to A) rent UHF and watch him cut his finger off again. B)... just rent it.