Monday, December 11, 2006

So was it like a Seinfeld episode

when they had to clean that limo out? I mean the stench of skank had to be overpowering. Either that or they just burned it before the HAZMAT team was called in. On a serious note, what the f- is wrong with these people? It's bad enough these sisters each are STD-riddled filth, but then they feel the need to combine them? Nasty. These two make the Barbi twins look like a couple of nuns.

Really smart nuns.



Anonymous said...

They are truly the dirtiest whores ever. For a while there I thought it might be Tara Reid, or maybe Pam Anderson. But I think Nicky and Paris have won hands down. They even beat out Brigitte Nielsen and New York (Flava of Love 2, y'all!). Bunch of coked out b-yatches.

Anonymous said...

I don't even want to think about the smell in that limo! Don't these girls ever just spend the night at home? Don't they ever get tired? I imagine the fame would be kind of exciting for a little while then you'd just get sick of it. Sorry, it's almost three in the morning and I'm crazy with lack of sleep. -themo