Sunday, December 03, 2006

So What is the Proper Etiquette?

So themo and I are watching television last night. There was nothing but crap on, of course, but Van Helsing was on TNT. Earlier in the day Underworld was on and both movies prompted the following conversation:

Themo: What is this?
Homer: Van Helsing/Underworld, it is/is supposed to be pretty bad.
Themo: But it's okay if Kate Beckinsale is in it right?
Homer: (Shrugs)

And after a few minutes, the channel gets changed. So my question is, at what point is watching a movie like that just spank-bank storage and cheap voyeurism? How long is it acceptable to have that movie on? What is the proper etiquette for that situation? And at what point are you sleeping on the couch?

Oh yeah, I'll totally own the fact that I'm a pig, but I don't want to piss themo off. She'll kill me in my sleep.



Anonymous said...

A perplexing conundrum indeed. Nay is borrowing Mean Girls from her sister and I haven’t seen it. I’ve heard some good things so I decided to watch it. I made a Tina Fey = Yummy comment and got a very look that made me uncomfortable each time Tina was on the screen. Reminiscent of the Pirates of the Caribbean/Kiera Knightly fiasco of 2003. Truth is, Homer, you’ve got to play that on the fly. Keep one eye on your movie and one eye on your lady. If an imbalance should strike, take immediate corrective action. That’s the best I can offer.

Anonymous said...

Is that why we made out after watching 30 Rock?? I feel used.

Anyway, Homer, Care-Bear makes a valid point. You have to equalize the time. Another option to is just watch long enough to get a topless scene or at least a bedroom smile. This should last well into the next time you get to watch Moulin Rouge...erm, Pearl Harbor in peace.

Anonymous said...

Since I have no Mr. K-Rock, I can't offer any advice, but I am laughing heartily at these posts. I guess this is something I can think about when feeling bad about my singledom.

TheVanBlogger said...

tina fey = cunt
tina fey = whore
tina fey = waste of skin
tina fey = gw's

Anonymous said...

You know, we as a group are startlingly witty, so when someone does something stupid like this it is quite jarring. Pick it up folks; we don't need to resort to this. Or at least pretty it up somehow. Call her the Scarfaced Seaward or something (not that I would bring that up or anything, I do think she is fetching in her own way...).

Anonymous said...

wow. Someone won't be buying the "Tina Fey: Best of Saturday Night Live" DVD collection. Oh well. Everyone's a critic.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the first to use the c-word, but at least I use it tastefully, and only in reference to the actual female dillydad.

And what's a gw?

Anonymous said...

And Homer, what's so damn startling about how witty we are?? Don't act so surprised...

Anonymous said...

It is startling because in addition to being so damn good looking as a group, that we are as witty as we are. With our looks we could all be mouth-breathing Neanderthals and still dominate the world.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what a gw is too. I thought that this was just how you guys roll....
BTW - I think Tina Fey is awesome. Not quite my Nay pseudo-bff, but I think I would still do her.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what gw is, too....? I'm thinking the offending post was Vanilla? VG, there's a line, and me thinks you've crossed it.