Thursday, December 21, 2006

Deal with Satan

I know that it would be easy for many of you to mis-read this title as Santa, but really this is going to take more than just shaking hands with a fat, jolly guy. I saw today that David Spade (above) is still dating Heather Locklear. I just wanted to know what kind of deal he had to make with the devil to cloud Heather's mind and vision like this. I know he's funny, and women like that, but he also looks like he drives a van that is upholstered in maroon shag carpeting and mail-orders girls underwear from Japan. There is no earthly reason for Dave to pull this. None, and I don't want to hear about his money either, she could buy and sell him like the little troll he is. It is just another one of those Southern California mysteries (like the one where Alex Van Halen hasn't kicked his brother's ass into next week).



Anonymous said...

Frankly, I don't have as hard a time with this pairing. She probably wants someone in her life that will adore her and treat her right because he knows that's what he's got going for him. And he's someone who doesn't have about twenty other "hot babes" knocking her down to get to him whenever they go out. It's the obvious progression in the life of a 70's goddess.

Anonymous said...

Jealous much?

Anonymous said...

Not much, no. It really just surprises me because she is insane, and quite frankly she has always seemed more superficial than that. The whole story about her taunting Denise Richards is laughable, and the idea of her taking Chris Farly's sloppy seconds makes me giggle.