Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Never Enough

There are never enough pictures of Teri Hatcher out there. She is the new Mary Tyler Moore. I mean really, at one time she was a good looking woman. If she had just dealt with aging like a normal person, no one would be mocking her like this. Where can I sign up to have my face jacked up like that? It would be cool because at some point her eyes are going to be looking in totally opposite directions. Amazing. Anyway, there are a lot more of these out there, I just didn't have the heart to scare you all with more.



Anonymous said...

It looks like the botox got a little too close to that one eye. I don't think she can open it all the way anymore.

Anonymous said...

She's got a perma-wink.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's just an angry pirate