Saturday, December 02, 2006

I Know This is Supposed to be Sexy

Every year this legendary Pirelli calendar comes out with these famous actresses and models, and each year they release "arty" images that look like they were shot in a Motel 6 with a three dollar hooker. I mean Hillary Swank has a fantastic body, but just look at these pictures. If she looked any trashier she would be Brittney Spears. If I went to someone's house and they had these pictures on their walls, I would really try not to touch anything for fear of some strange communicable disease. I'm sure you can look for more of these pictures online if you haven't sated your desire for pictures of cheap prostitutes.



Anonymous said...

These look like some pervert put a camera in a motel somewhere. I feel dirty looking at them, I need to go take a shower.

Anonymous said...

They're not THAT bad. They're not good, but they're not bad. Plus, why does a tire company make such racey calendars??? Thanks. I'll be here all night.

Anonymous said...

She just kind of looks like she's not feeling well. Like maybe the HIV is setting in.

Anonymous said...

Some sort of degenerative disease would explain the whole Chad Lowe thing wouldn't it?