Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'll see your crazy no-condom-wearing guy and raise you with poop in a bag guy



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December 10, 2006 -- Police and firefighters yesterday rescued a Long Island man who had been trapped in his bedroom for four days after piling up a 7-foot-high mountain made up of bags of his own feces, jars of urine and other debris.

An officer responded to Charles Ruoff's dilapidated home in Centerport around 3:30 a.m. after receiving an anonymous 911 call asking police to check up on the 64-year-old veteran who hadn't been seen in days.

As he explored the house, the cop heard Ruoff calling weakly from a second-floor bedroom where he had walled himself in with a mountain of his own filth. He said he had been trapped since Tuesday.

The Centerport Fire Department freed Ruoff using heavy rescue equipment.

Ruoff was taken to the Veterans Administration Hospital in Northport where he was treated for dehydration, hypothermia, bedsores and general weakness, Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Donner said.


Anonymous said...

If you didn't have to touch people or listen to husbands and wives scream at each other I would love to be a cop. You know this guy was like, "Good lawd I can't wait to tell this story". I WANT THAT!

Anonymous said...

Why do I think this is missing some detail about how much this guy weighed? Don't you picture a big ol' guy here?

Anonymous said...

I'm missing the part where we learn WHY he was building a wall of feces and urine. I gotta know.

Anonymous said...

And what the hell is the director of Lethal Weapon doing as a police commissioner? What a world we live in. I wonder if he went into a three stooges routine upon seeing all of that accumulated crap?