Monday, December 11, 2006

Frankenshred - Clips of Doom

Themo was asking me when she saw the last clip when these were filmed, needless to say she was stunned to learn that these were taped in March of 06. This is a clip of their best work, if you really want a laugh, check out their Myspace site. K-Rock, these are funny because this group takes themselves so seriously, but they are obviously a horrible Spinal Tap-ish joke gone awry. As always, enjoy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Brandt and I were about 16 and 18 years old, we used our mom's mascarra to paint goatees and mustaches on our faces and we played some of our toughest hits. Videos for songs like "Fat Randy" and "Rock and Roll Nazi" were filmed. On that day, we were gods. On that day, we were a thousand percent rock. Frankenshred = chumps.