Saturday, December 09, 2006

New blog...

As some of you know, I have another blog which I use when I feel that my topic is either inappropriate for the VanBlogger, or I am posting on here too much. If you want to check it out please do and comment away. I fixed the comment section so you don't have to register to comment, but if you are offended by pictures of Kate Beckinsale, don't bother.

The address is



TheVanBlogger said...

What exactly have you shaven homer? -vg

TheVanBlogger said...

Another thought...

I have a feeling that you are going to end up on the local news in the near future. Teacher + Softcore blog = loss of job. -vg

Anonymous said...

It's Homer's Haven. You are the one looking for that micro-inch for your "can of Pepsi," or whatever it is you are trying to convince us you possess.

Trust me, after seeing the office of several P.E. departments in the district over the years, I have nothing to worry about with my little blog.