Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rick James

For K-Rock - VG


Anonymous said...

I LOVE it! Too bad Dave Chappelle went nuts because his show was hilarious...Thanks for posting this, VG!

Anonymous said...

I've only heard of this classic. Watching it was amazing. I had an English teacher in High School who went to England because she was a Shakespeare nut. When she was there, she visited what was supposed to be his tomb. She said it was a religious/spiritual experience for her. She now knew for certain that the Oxford Theorists were dead wrong. I chuckled to myself when she told that story because it sounded like crazy-talk. But now that I've seen this clip, I have had a religious/spiritual experience. So much, in fact, that I'm going to skip sacrament meeting today.

Anonymous said...

They say that there is a fine line between genious and insanity. Dave has clearly been straddling the line for some time. I don't care how crazy he is as long as he starts putting material out again.