Monday, August 20, 2007

Midget Cure

Much to Nay's dismay the Nazi's eugenics programs failed to clean the world of those pesky midgets. Look at this picture and the translation. Wow.

"This person suffering from hereditary defects costs the community 60,000 Reichsmark during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money, too."

However, not too long ago, Homer made this comment:

Homer said...
Nay will be excited to know that there is a cure to being a midget (although there always has been one and it has to do with some bandsaws, 2x4s, and nails), but I'll have to try it to believe it.
6:02 AM, August 14, 2007

It reminded me of something I saw on TV. I couldn't find the kid I saw the program on, but I did find this story. Enjoy! Think of it... no more midgets. Now if we could only do something about those damned American Indians...


Anonymous said...

Is it bad that I was slightly relieved that the poster was not selling midgets? The going rate being 60,000 Reichsmark, I just can't imagine such a valuable asset in the household being properly reprimanded for biting the nursemaid's ankles. You never know what they'd let him get away with.

Anyway, I don't so much think we need a midget cure. They're fine as they are, living under mushrooms and in tiny gingerbread houses with lowered sinks and doorknobs.

I just don't want them running at me, mostly because I don't want to hurt their feelings when I start screaming uncontrollably and throwing rocks.

Anonymous said...

P.S. That article was beyond sad. I'm no monster. I feel for the ones who don't bare their teeth and crouch like they're going to pounce on my shins.

Anonymous said...

Nay, when did you develop a soul?