Sunday, August 05, 2007

The King of Cool

Granted the VG's circumcism was still healing in December of '77 when this went down but I happy to pledge my support for EC. I can't imagine following music in the late 70's and having to choose bewteen Captain and Tineal and John Denver tunes.


Anonymous said...

And lo, and angel of rock descending and said unto me, "I wanna bite the hand that feeds me. I wanna bit that hand so badly"

Proof positive that rock and roll has nothing to do with light shows and pyrotechnics.

Homer said...


That is where my head hit the keyboard as I fell asleep watching this. Costello tries too hard to be anticool. His version of dress-up is no different than Angus Young's is. He's an important artist because we've been told he's important, not that he's any better or more rock and roll the Captian or Tenille.

Rock and roll isn't about light shows, pyrotechnics, image, lyrics, or even music. But at the same time it is about all of those things, anyone who tells you otherwise is either justifying something or selling something.

Just my two cents.