Thursday, August 02, 2007

Anchors Away

Apparently, Homer is not so much a fan of Rick D'Amico. This is not surprising, considering Homer's distate for the Christmas Fox 10 jingles. And when I say distaste, I mean that it's obvious that he requires a great deal of restraint to not throw his Diet Coke at his bigscreen when "Sleigh Bells Ring..." starts up. I think the only thing that stops him is his love for Diet Coke.

So I guess we know who would be in Homer's Psuedo-Celebrity Helicopter Crash (new game!!). Who is in yours??

My vote, by the way goes all the way to the Kirkpatrick herself. It'd be rad if she'd have to share her death with Beverly though. That would piss her off SO bad...


P.S. Nobody said the VanBlogger was in good taste. If you think this is a new low, you should have seen the post I almost put up a week ago.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I forgot about this guy. Mike Buttkiss all the way!! Yes, I'm aware his real name is Watkis or whatever, but he strikes me as the type of guy who googles his name on a daily basis, and I don't want him looking into the real identity of The VanBlogger for his next Emmy scramble. That could be bad news, especially if he found out we were Mo.

Homer said...

So how many people are in the helicopter? 'Cause D'Amico is going to be strapped to the tail-rotor that shears through your helicopter and I need to know how many of the local freaks are going down.

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect example of why I love Nay. Patti Kirkpatrick is demon jizzsponge and Mike Watkis is a polyamist hunting fagball. My pseudo-Celebrity Helicopter crash would have to be like 9 Huey's because it would include almost all journalists. The few journalists that would get to sit this one out would be Ed Phillips, Paul Harvey, and David Liebowitz.

Anonymous said...

I think it's fair to say the helicopter can fit as many as you need it to fit. Also, remember that we can have as many helicopters as we want to collide. Maybe they're all on their way to cover Brad Perry and Scott Pasmore's joint gay-lover, "holding onto our departed youth", suicide jump off Camelback Mountain.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I don't watch enough local news to know too many of the players on TV...mostly get my info off the net. On my meager hate list? Fay Resnick (spelling?)for tramping up the news with her Barbie doll self, Liz "F'ing" Habib, JD Hayworth. Now if we did a regular old celebrity one, that would be interesting and we'd need several 747's.

Anonymous said...

k-rock, have I never shared the joys of Celebrity Car Crash with you??

TheVanBlogger said...

That's easy! Mark Curtis cuz I hate Jews -VG

Anonymous said...

Celebrity Car Crash???? Nay, don't hold out on me, girl!

Homer said...

From Fox 10:

I'll start here because of D'Amico, who is the illegitimate spawn of the devil. He's arrogant, condescending, and incompetent. He's somewhere on the chopper.

Bruce Dunbar makes the cut, have you seen him lately? He was on the other day covering the memorial, needing a haircut, Jenny Craig, and some clothes he purchased after his weight gain.

I'm on the fence about Ron Hoon, but I gotta believe that if I'm considering you for a spot on here, you have to go, so we have three from Fox 10 on the list.

More later.

Anonymous said...

Before I talk about channel 12, K-Rock, it's Fay Fredricks, Fay Resnick is the "friend" of Nicole Brown Simpson who whored herself out for some tabloid money.

Channel 12 Helicopter Passengers:

The aforementioned Fay Fredricks, bad weave and big attitude. She can get on before she finishes the breeding process.

Kevin Hunt is the only other person on this channel to annoy me enough to enjoy their demise. He tries to be funny and isn't, he has difficulty carrying a conversation on with any guest, and quite frankly he looks like he is a backstabbing freak who would root for teams like the Dodgers if they offered him enough Dodger-Dogs.

TheVanBlogger said...

YES!!! Dodger-Dogs make an apperance in the vanblogger! I hate dodger fans and their damn hot dogs. It's a f-ing hot dog you so cal retard!-VG

Anonymous said...

i love kevin bacon but I hate footloose.