Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Busboy in the Restaurant of Life

You all know I have crazy fears. LPs, scary eyes, driving at night, skinwalkers, little girls with unnaturally long hair... But the root of all these fears is Death. Death by Little Person, Death by Skinwalker, Death by long-haired, scary-eyed girl etc. I can't even IMAGINE how I'd react to a prank like this being pulled on me. I'm pretty sure I'd take my ICEE and Doritos and run like hell, but it's probably even more likely I'd just pee my pants and cry.



Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'd die, but I'd probably do something stupid enough to make it on this reel. I'd be the one everybody would say, "Hahaha. Did you see that one guy! He really thought he was going to die. Hahaha."

Anonymous said...

I would probably scream first, then pee my pants and cry. I am not a huge fan of the grim reaper. Or weird old men holding scythes and looking at me while I pay for my lotto tickets.