Friday, August 24, 2007


So word on the street is that "they're" working on remaking footloose and casting Zac Efron as Ren. Before you get too pumped up about this, think about the times we're in. The music of Footloose represented the pop music of the time. Probably a huge reason it was so successful. The pop music of today (Fall Out Boy) will not work with the movie. They'll either have to use
A) The same songwriters they use for High School Musical
B) The same music from footloose and make it a campy 80's throwback
C) Or they'll have to change the setting altogether.

Either way. Crap. Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Good call. This will be crap fo sho. That still doesn't change the fact that I'll probably rent it though.

Homer said...

Footloose was a piece of crap in the 80's. The only way this thing should be seen in theaters is if it was rewritten as a vehicle for angry movie-goers catapulting flaming bags of horse-manure over Robert Iger's walls. Either that or taking a baseball bat to Kevin Bacon's surgically altered face.

Anonymous said...

I am in the minority here but I LOVED High School Musical 2 and am SO excited to see Zac as Ren in Footloose.

Anonymous said...

Gassy, you are so far in the minority I think I'll move you to the ghettos, give your women sexually transmitted diseases, and get you hooked on fire water so you don't notice how much I am screwing your people out of basic needs and opportunities.

Anonymous said...

I loved the original - not just cuz of where it was filmed. It actually holds up today much better than that craptastic Dirty Dancing.

I haven't seen the High School Musicals or the new Hairspray, so I'm not familiar with Zac Efron's work. But his imdb must look like a gay man's DVD library.