Wednesday, November 08, 2006


No, that's not a partial birth abortion. It's the new Diamondback uniform. Vanillia Gorilla no likey.


Anonymous said...

I liked their old uniforms. Why do they always have to change. What a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan, either! I can't believe they have "D-Backs" on their uniform - why not Diamondbacks? The lettering and color is crap. Purple and black rocked...

Anonymous said...

I like them. I don't like that it says "D-Backs" either, but I do like the 'db' they've made in to a snake head. The white and red ones look good, but the black ones look ugly.

How is this a waste of money, themo? It's revenue generating for the club what with all the superfans who NEED the latest digs. I'm not sure it's going to cost you anything.

Anonymous said...

whoa care bear, simmer down there marketing student! It's not a waste of MY money, I just imagine it cost a lot of money to produce new uniforms. You're right, I won't be buying one.

Anonymous said...

I always wanted one of those black ones with the Arizona on the front. I thought they were bitchin'. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to look on eBay.