Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hot Sundae!

I found another Saved by the Bell nugget for my hubby (a closet SBTB fan) - themo


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? I was proud to say I've never seen an episode of this drivel, and now I wonder what I was missing...this is comedy gold!

Anonymous said...

You have no idea people. This episode is the alltime greatest. Zach is all, "Jessi, you shouldn't be taking these pills" and then she's all, "I just need them until after the audition" and then we go into the "I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so SCARED!" bit that I'm sure you have heard referenced. Also, yes, I was singing along to all the words. It is my goal to post some SBTB golden oldies. Let's not forget we haven't even delved into Zack Attack,

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until I get in to high school and can do cool shit like this ALL the time.