Saturday, July 28, 2007

Just a quick thought

So Phoenix police chief Jack Harris says that the dude driving the truck in this afternoon's car chase/helicopter ratings phenomenon will likely face charges for his part in the deaths of the 4 journalists. What? That makes as much sense as entering themo in to a spelling bee. Obviously, I don't condone stealing cars and high speed chases, but there is no way this guy should be held responsible for those people dying. When I first heard it, I thought it was just an offhand comment by a reporter caught up in the moment. But then I realized something the more I heard people say it. But here me out on this...

A pickup truck barreling through cars has nothing to do with pilots running in to other things/each other. So why blame the guy in the pickup truck? The only argument I can see them having is "If he wasn't speeding around the city, those copters wouldn't have had to cover it and they'd be safe at home right now". GAY. TRY AGAIN. With that logic I see the Phoenix Police department or the local news media as having more blame on their shoulders.

1) The police should have called off the pursuit in accordance to department policy, but failed to do so. No police chase, no need for media coverage.
2) The media will gladly let pickup joe be the fallguy. It's easier to blame him than to take a serious look at why care chases receive that much media attention.

Unfortunately, the only people to blame would be the pilots. But damnit that just doesn't quench my thirst for good old-fashioned American vengeance. It's sad that those guys had to go out like that, but that driver had nothing to do with that crash and prosecuting him for those deaths is 100% wrong.


Homer said...

Damnit, don't you go off throwing common sense into the middle of a tragedy. Finding a fall-guy/scapegoat that we can burn in effigy is the American way and don't you forget it. I just hope that whatever they sentence this guy to it involves some sort of helicopter, you know like running him into a spinning rotor or something. You know, for justice and all that...

TheVanBlogger said...

I assume that the care bear posted this comment as this was our exact topic of conversation Friday afternoon. I hope I never get in a wreck on the freeway in rush hour so those bozo's can congregate over head like a bunch of "news" seeking vultures. I would hate to be "responsible" for their actions and f-ups. -VG P.S. Why do they have to be so close together in the first place? Don't those cameras have zooms on them. Hey pilot of the year... back off a little and zoom in or do you need to be right up on the ass of your competitor? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with this post and subsequent responses...why in the hell would this be this guy's fault? Why doesn't the policy department do what they've started doing in LA? They shoot this GPS device that sticks to the vehicle and then back off - no more chasing. I'm also really getting sick of KTAR using this tragedy as their bumper every 10 minutes, obviously a ratings ploy and it makes me sick.

Homer said...

The media have whored this out to the nth degree, and I'm glad that the funeral/memorial service is now over. I mean really, did we need wall to wall coverage? If this had been two private helicopters going down, would we have been subjected to this? No, it was just another excuse for the local press to rub one out on their viewing audience. I will hate to see the response when someone eventually hits Rick D'Amico (sp) in the face with a shovel repeatedly. I'll have to hear his shitty Fox 10 jingles for two or three weeks while all of the channels shoot their wads about what a great guy he was. And we all know he is not, we could learn that he has been butchering girl scouts and puppies for the past ten years and I'd still suspect him of a darker side, but I digress...