Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I love a good throwdown

I love passion in writing. There is a level of craftsmanship that is required to accurately convey passion that is difficult to achieve. This is why teachers always try to get students to avoid controversial topics, because their emotion overcomes their reason. But when it's done right it is good fun. The movie Captivity opens this week and Pajiba reviews it here.

I'd post parts of it, but it is such a scathing piece of vitriol, it needs to be read in it's entirety. Enjoy the hate, the film-makers of Captivity seem to have earned it.



Anonymous said...

That might be the best thing I have ever read. Aside from the Bible of course. I will stick with watching Harry POtter again, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome. I love how upset he was about everything. It was the verbal equivelent of throwing furniture around.