Monday, May 14, 2007

I couldn't stop at Journey

Who else is glad Brad Delp Died? -VG


Anonymous said...

I can't say that I am glad that he died. In fact, although I can hardly remember much of Boston's repertoire, I can vividly remember loving a Boston LP of either Homer's or my eldest sister's. But I am SUPER glad that man-leotards have died. Did guys seriously think that was a hot look back in the day?

Anonymous said...

I read an article in Tambourine World about how his tambourine playing was greatly influened by Davy Jones. One notable difference identifiable by even the most unlearned tambourine player is the shift from the hip purcussion to the palm percussion. Easily a move that revolutionized how tambourine-ists approach the trade.

TheVanBlogger said...

I would love to have that bass player in my band. -VG

TheVanBlogger said...

I would love to have that bass player in my band. -VG

Homer said...

I have always hated Boston (although Tom Sholtz is a mathematical genius), but I guess I stop short of being glad Brad Delp is dead. I save that kind of hate for Paris and her ilk.

Anonymous said...

They all look like they smell horrible.

But I like a few Boston songs, I'm going to have to admit it.

Anonymous said...

Bob Ross on drums? Wikipedia thinks so:

"Bob Ross, most famous for his television painting series was also co-inventor of the Navajo written language, point guard for the 81-82 Chicago Bulls, a Beefeater, and a Marine sniper. He would also fill in on drums for Boston's North American tours."
