Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Kingdom Trailer

Y'all may have seen this already. But it's worth seeing again for some 202 moneyshots. Also, did they steal "The Kingdom" logo font from "The Lion King". You'll see what I mean near the end.


Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahaha The Lion King. "Ohm....."

Anyway, this movie doesn't look all that great, despite Jason Bateman's charm and Danny Elfman's talent. Even my love for Mesa won't do much to get me to pay $8 for this baby. Now if the big conspiracy was a Bluth housing development that may be harboring Sadaam lookalikes, you might have had me hooked.

Anonymous said...

I agree with nay. except they did film it here where we live, so out of curiosity I will probably rent it.

Anonymous said...

I would actually see it at the midnight movies. So at least I don't have to worry about running into you fools there.