Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Vision of Grace

I understand that Carmen Electra has her place in the celebrity pantheon. She brought grittiness and a dose of reality to her role on Baywatch, she has been a champion of fine weight-loss products (bravely appearing in public prior to her miraculous makeover), and in this video she shows that being a high fashion model is just another of her hidden talents.

Hopefully her agent and publicist can manage to find time to fit in all of the future runway bookings sure to come her way.



Anonymous said...

It is still funny, albeit a week old. Alison Sweeney's fall is just slightly funnier though, because she looked so like, "oh no you fell! Glad it wasn't me" before it.

Anonymous said...

Okay so she didn't really look like that, since you couldn't see her face. But we all know she was thinking it.

Homer said...

Hey groupie-girl, I'm still catching up here. Both falls were funny and perfect examples of VanBlogger material. Who the hell is Allison Sweeney?

Anonymous said...

Sami Brady of Days of our Lives fame. It's actually a good thing you didn't know that, or Mo would have had to check you for fake balls.