Saturday, March 03, 2007

For the VG

That sounds vaguely like some sort of prescription, doesn't it? Anyway, VG and I were talking about classic wrestling the other day, and Rowdy Roddy Piper came up. VG didn't know that he had made a bad sci-fi movie back in the 80's, so here is the trailer.

It was every bit as bad as the trailer makes it out to be. And yes, I saw it in a theater.

(Going to the pharmacy for some Geritol)


TheVanBlogger said...

I've come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubble gum. -VG

Anonymous said...

I am speechless at the fact that Homer saw this in the theater. And to think when we were growing up I thought he was cool.
Mama don't like tattletales.

Anonymous said...'s kind of lke pre-Matrix ideology. This should be hunted down and used for the ultimate bad movie night