Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Stephen's Sound Advice

I know that this will most likely never make it to the blog, but I feel that it is three minutes that all incoming high school students should have to watch. It is just good solid advice.



Anonymous said...

When we had our swimming unit my freshman year in high school I developed a very fast, modest changing routine. It involved a long shirt and very careful planning/layout of clothes. Honestly, if you timed it, it would all go down in like 5 seconds. The only problem is you really could and should not give any incoming 14-year-olds this trick. You could get in some serious hot water.

Anonymous said...

This is why all girls know how to take off their bra without taking off their shirt. We can also take off our socks without taking off our shoes, but it's rare that you'll find a useful application for this trick.

Anonymous said...

One time on "Stupid Human Tricks" they had a woman take off her bra without taking off her shirt. I remember Kristin or Heather being very upset that whoever did that got notoriety for it. I guess 85% of the women in the world can do that.

Anonymous said...

Nay - do you know how to take off your socks without taking off your shoes? THAT is a trick I'd like to see, for sure!