Monday, October 01, 2007

Viva Mexico!

There are many great things to come from Mexico: Churros, burritos, Speedy Gonzalez, and the lovely people who make it possible to eat cheap grapes and lettuce year-round. But when Nay encouraged us to post culturally relevant Mexican topics, you just had to know I was going here. Bless you Salma, for representing Mexicans in such an exemplary fashion.



Anonymous said...

Even if you hated the Beatles and don't like musicals or flashy film, you need to go see Across the Universe for the 2 minutes of Nurse Hayek. Well worthe the price of admission.

Anonymous said...

Consider it done.

Anonymous said...

Or just look up the Nurse Hayek part on YouTube, because Homer, you will HATE Across the Universe. Guaranteed.

TheVanBlogger said...

You motor boat'n son of a bitch! Those are huge boobs-VG

Anonymous said...

You KNOW they're big if VG testifies of their hugeness.