Sunday, October 07, 2007

Cultural Awareness Month Continues (Barely)

Since Selma (Salma??) looked creepy in that last post, I figured it was time to introduce this week's Culture To Be Aware Of. And in honor of K-Rock going to the Philippines next week, I thought that would make a great culture to highlight.

....Except that I can't think of one Filipino worth talking about. I mean, sure we all have a friend or two who is maybe, like half, and that's kind of fun for them, but really, who? Who??? So I googled, and yahooed, and even wikipediad, and although there are some very pretty Filipinas out there, not one of them deserves mention. So I'm going to have to widen the culture spectrum a little.

Basically, we're talking 'bout any "Asians" who come from places the real Asians (Chinese and Japanese mostly) would much rather forget about. One of them Goodwill countries that even the Peace Corps is kind of like, "eh" about. Laos. Cambodia. Vietnam. Nepal? I'm not good with geography, but you kind of get the point. I'm not sure if we should count India or not, because I think we'd just end up arguing if Mindy Kaling is funnier than Apu (she is).

So have fun with this one. I doubt this will be a very active week, since I'm seriously having a hard time coming up with anyone other than Maddox Jolie. He's a cute kid though, so it'll do for now.


Homer said...

Yes, it is Salma, she does not have a sister named Patty and she didn't marry some guy with a fish fetish, or at least it isn't public which is one up on Troy McClure.

Anonymous said...

I thankful for Pat Morita. He's American Born, but just barely. He's still gook enough for this list, though. He's awesome in everything. Whether he's a Japanese seaman in Tora Tora Tora or Arnold in Happy Days or the Legendary Miyagi in the Karate Kid dynasty. So when I'm waxing on and off nostalgic about my favorite asians, Pat is at the top of my list.

Anonymous said...

Why are there like, NO Filipinos? I've thought about this for two days now, and still, nothing.

Anonymous said...

The only Filipinos I can think of off the top of my head is Happ Slip (the youtuber), Vanessa Manillo, and Vanessa Ann-Hudgens (she's half). If I think of more I will repost.
And of course, I love my little 1/4 asian brats. But they aren't really famous, are they?

Anonymous said...

Sorry - I totally meant Happy Slip. Hot Happ Slip.
I really want some Adobo and Lumpias now.