Monday, October 15, 2007

Cultural Awareness Month (continued)

Since the "Asian" post kind of fizzled, I thought I would salute the most ignored of all cultures: White Trash Culture. I could have posted up pictures of Jamie Pressley, and been done with it, but I saw this clip and found that the white trash culture is invading America and cannot be stopped. This is just a little slice, I want some prime examples this week. Enjoy the video.



TheVanBlogger said...


Anonymous said...


I would like to highlight Tanya Harding. Has anyone seen this lady in the past ten years? It's freaking awesome! She looks like a mistake and she's loving it. I'm sure a basic google image search of "Tanya Harding" will get you all the goods you need. A close second is that country singer Mindy McReady or whatever her name is. She's balla blockin', too.

Anonymous said...

I wish you all knew the chick I work with. Her knockers are about that size and she is way too proud of them. She personifies this White Trash category. Just today she was telling us today about her friend's sister-in-law, who married the friend's father. He was from TN and moved from his shack in TN to AZ, where he resided in a tent when they were a'courting. The coworker also tells us how she likes to get "caught" by her husband's friends while she is doing her husband cos it helps boost her image. She's amazing.

Anonymous said...

boosts her image? Wow. We have a winner.