Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Look out George Clooney!

Despite the fact that Julia Roberts continues to inspire fear in small children and makes compulsive gamblers reach for their daily tip sheets, people still don't get that she is evil and infects everyone around her. Just ask her husband's ex-wife. Anyway, check out what prolonged exposure to Julia did to former co-stars Mel Gibson and Dustin Hoffman:

That's right, one of them is walking around with a bag on his head and the other is a raving anti-Semite who looks like he is channeling Saddam. I guess we can look forward to Anthony Garcia and George Clooney going on a cross-country killing spree together looking to blot out the pain. Oh well, I guess we can hope that someone will convince her that a project with Flava would help her career.



Anonymous said...

Inspired theory, but I don't see how this relates to 2006?? Perhaps this opens the door to my rantings on the cast of Beverly Hills 90210?

Anonymous said...

Homer has always had such disdain for Julia. Me think he doth protest too much...

Anonymous said...

Nay, there has never been a statute of limitations on ranting against the over-hyped and stupid. If you feel like railing against long sideburns and leather-faced "teens," have at it. I was trying to cipher out a rational for Hoffman running amok with a bag on his head (at least he could have tied it off), and Julia is the only answer. Her equine-like countenance could drive anyone batty, or at least to huffing horse-glue.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention Richard Gere and the infamed gerbil "thawing".