Monday, February 04, 2008

The exploding whale, possibly the best idea/video ever



Anonymous said...

"It couldn't be cut up because nobody wanted to cut it up".

I love that. Like at the town meeting they were like, "Well the logical choice here is to cut it up and bury or burn it..."

"Wait wait wait George, now let's think about this. Even though that's a great idea and it will solve our problem, we don't WANT to do that".

"I recognize the ickiness factor, Herb. Let's move on to other options. I motion we blow it up"


"All in favor?"

And an excited roar lifts from the crowd of little boys who like to see things blown up rather than cut up and disposed of safely and sanitarily.

Men are dumb.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Nay, you have this wrong. No one ever really considered other options because the first answer is ALWAYS to blow shit up. I can't believe you didn't know that, just ask White Phosphorous.

Anonymous said...

Word, Homer. Think of how much better this world would be if everything was an explosive Gallagher concert.

TheVanBlogger said...

20 boxes of tnt was not enough in my book. I wouldn't have settled for anything less than 80 boxes. -VGWP