Saturday, February 02, 2008

Biz's Beat of the Day

As many of you know, I am absolutely OBsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba. I love this show. I'm sending it a Valentine. Pooks could take it or leave it, but I choose to ignore the fact that she is playing with puzzles in the other room while I'm sitting on the couch watching intently.

I saw Biz Markie (ohhh baby yoooou, you got what I neeeeeed) on and could not stop thinking about how much I LOVE this show. So for those of you with jobs or lives or whatever who don't get their daily fix of Yo Gabba Gabba, this is for you.

P.S. Biz was going to be my Lamaze coach but he had a prior engagement - Being Too Awesome.

1 comment:

TheVanBlogger said...

Is it me or could you smell the halitosis coming from Biz?
