Friday, January 04, 2008


So we have had entirely too much time pass since a suitably bitchy, mean-spirited post has made it up here, so here goes. Crazy Brittney was carted off in restraints last night as "good parent" Kevin Federline received custody of their two children. Themo and I were discussing this and we determined that sometime this year Brittney would off herself or overdose, thus starting another Anna Nicole news cycle of pity and self-loathing. As we were discussing this I figured the VanBlogger should have its own death pool, you know, pick five public figures who you think will kick the bucket this year and then we all sit back like vultures and wait. The deadline (pun intended-I kill myself-wait-) is Monday so ponder on this fellow haters and get those lists in to be eligible for a bitchin' prize (probably a Diet Coke or something).



Anonymous said...

Nice. I'm loving this contest. Okay, I was going to cheat and look up all the Over 100's or the celebs rumored to have AIDS or something, but I think the spontaneous death is what we're going for here. So, I pick: Oprah's Gayle, Michael Jackson, and this one is vague, but I've got a good feeling about it: a celebrity's kid.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, I get two more! Okay, Billy Idol and.... somebody from that MTV show The Hills.

Anonymous said...

I also pick Brit (as I like to call her). But just in case that isn't allowed, here are my others. The added bonus in the cause of death - and I'm serious with these.

1) Billy Joel - car accident, drunk driving.
2) Amy Winehouse - Cocaine overdose
3) Luis Sharpe - Meth overdose
4) 50 cent - murder
5) Paul Harvey - natural causes

TheVanBlogger said...

1. Maury Povich
2. Gordon B. Hinkley
3. Al McCoy
4. Amy Winehouse
5. Terry Bradshaw