Thursday, June 14, 2007

Poor Hitler

Not that I'm a sympathizer. I don't even own an X-Box.



Anonymous said...

Wow. As a side note, Nay and I watched the movie this clip is from (but with the real subtitles). It's called "Downfall". I that it was great. It was not your usual demon Hitler. He was obviously nasty, but he was also shown as a real person. Worth your time.

Anonymous said...

Normally I am down for some good cursing and parodies but this just seem like an excuse to see how many times you can subtitle the F word in a 5 minute clip.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was kind of a lame post, I admit. I just saw Hitler and felt it was my duty to put it up.

CB is right, it's a good movie. You ended up feeling really bad for all of Hitler's friends. Kidn of in the same way you feel bad for Lindsay Lohan's friends. Like, aw, wrong place, wrong time, wrong person to kiss ass to.