Friday, June 01, 2007


I'm not one for profanity, but you know what? I don't care at this point, I saw this and can only respond with a solid "What the fuck did I just see?" The kicking wasn't the worst, it was the dragging weights with the nads that freaked me out, the kicking was just icing. I'm going to go and ice my sack for a while.



Anonymous said...

I don't know, man. That ball kicking was pretty intense. Someone needs to show these Chinos a good time because if this is what they're doing to pass the time... wow.

TheVanBlogger said...

I can think of a lot of things that build character, nut smashing is not one of them. I have a lot of respect for monks and there commitments but this is retarded. When will this skill ever come in handy? -VG

Anonymous said...

First of all, this is brilliant on their part. Every woman knows that if she is attacked by a man, she need only shoot for the balls with a swift strike, or even a sloppy kick, and they're free and clear. So unless your parking lot rapist is a eunuch (in which case, they are seriously in the wrong business) all his efforts can be thwarted by even the weakest of women. These men are preparing themselves for battle. And soon, their balls of steel will take over the world.

Anonymous said...

Monks and rape. Two great tastes that taste great together.

Anonymous said...

Nay, you are my hero.
And seriously? I just figured out what happened to Cisco Adlers droopy pieces. Do you think he was "towing" an 18-wheeler with his family jewels?