Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The gayest thing I'VE ever seen

Gayer than Azis even. But that doesn't mean it's not awesome.

For those of you that have not seen all of the movie Xanadu, you are seriously missing out. ELO. ONJ. OMG!! I heart it. It's my fav. X 4 Life!



Anonymous said...

Those special effects were awesome. No way that was gayer than Azis. What does ELO ONJ stand for? Sorry I am not cool enough to know.
BTW, did you notice that Azis is one letter short of Nay's favorite German regime?

Anonymous said...

Who's the old guy? It was fun to watch that because I used to love that show when I was like 7! But Gayer than Azis, I think not. Maybe you need to watch those videos again, or go onto Youtube and do a search of Azis. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

TheVanBlogger said...

Electic Light Orchestra and Olivia Newton John and this was not gay at all. Try again Nay. -VG

Anonymous said...

Not gay at all??? I give to you that Azis might be gayer, but you can't tell me Spider guy wasn't the gayest Pre-2007 thing you've ever seen.

Nay's favorite German regime happens to be the group of old ladies who invented fastnachts. They are basically mashed potato donuts filled with syrup. You'd love them.

Anonymous said...

Nay makes me want to puke. The only kinds of donut I like come in boxes that say either Dunkin or Doughnut Peddler. Potatoes should only be used for french fries and garlic mashed potatoes. Sicko.

Homer said...

I always thought Xanadu was Costanza's executive handicapped bathroom.

Anonymous said...

The old guy is Gene Kelly. And Xanadu is AWESOME. It's like somebody made today to make fun of 1981.