Friday, December 14, 2007

What Would You Buy?

I was reading the news the other day and saw that someone bought a lock of John Lennon's hair for $48,000. That sounded ridiculous to me, not to mention a little disturbing. Anyway, I didn't think too much about it, but then I read a little fact about Fredrick the Elector of Saxony. Fredrick was Martin Luther's king and employer and did nothing to stop Luther's heresies, despite the fact that the pope at the time told him to. The interesting fact is that Fredrick collected approximately 8,000 holy relics including what he believed to be straw from the crib of Christ. C'mon, when did Jesus really come to any kind of notoriety? Why would anyone around him have kept straw from the manger? Just silliness.

Anyway, due to the fact that our society seems to deify celebrities, it is only a matter of time until more stuff like Lennon's hair is unearthed from dead celebrities, so my question to you VanBloggers is what relic of celebrity would you consider purchasing? Buddy Holly's glasses? Marilyn Monroe's pill bottles? George Lucas' Bro/Manssiere? Think about it and have some fun!


Anonymous said...

I'd buy Buddy's glasses fo sho. But since that was already suggested in your original article, I'll offer another suggestion: I would buy an instrument used by the Beatles. John's Rickenbacker 330 or George's Gretsch. Something cool. Costly as all get out, but still cool.

Anonymous said...

I second CB's sentiment in buying a Beatles' relic. The white piano John plays Imagine on. A set of drums from their 1964-1965 tours. Definitely the Rickenbacker. OR I'd go the route of clothing and get the suit John wore on the first Ed Sullivan appearance. Rad. I'm all about spending money I don't have on things I don't need that nobody will care about but me.

I draw the line only at purchasing something related to the death of anyone. I really don't need the toilet seat cover from the actual toilet Elvis died on, you know?

TheVanBlogger said...

I would rock Roy Orbison's sunglasses or Willie Nelson's guitar-VG

TheVanBlogger said...

I would buy the awesome custom guitar that His Majesty, Prince, uses. You know, the one that looks like the symbol he used to go by? Yeah, I don't know how to play it, but I would hang it on the wall and no one would be able to touch it....ever.

Anonymous said...

How awesome would it be to have the last real pair of underwear that Brittney wore? They probably stink and are rotten, but I'm sure that they spent plenty of time in the dumpster out back of K-Fed's local 7-11.

In all seriousness, I think I'd want the guitar that Hendrix set on fire. Talk about a great rock moment. Anyway, I could have bought it once, Dweezil Zappa was selling it, he only wanted $1,000,000. Just missed.